Friday, April 30, 2010

It Will Be An Airport City

Archiving another big-puffery claim for the airport...

in reference to:

"“It will be an airport city,” says airport director Randy Curtis."
- Florida Trend Touts Economic Potential of New Airport — The New ECP (view on Google Sidewiki)

Monday, April 19, 2010

More Misinformation - FOX Business News

The host on the video says the present airport (which is as long as Chicago-Midway) can't handle a 737, and Dan Rowe agrees that 737's can't be fully loaded, both false. Southwest 737's can easily operate to the 4 destinations being offered from 6300 ft. The new service is a huge win but boosters are never satisfied with the truth, they seem to have to bash our existing communities.

in reference to: Fox Business News Reports on New Florida Beaches International Airport — The New ECP (view on Google Sidewiki)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Why design an Airport for 50 Years?

Question for Mr. Willett: Why would you design an airport for 50 years? Many have been in place since the beginning of aviation, about 100 years, and locally Tyndall and Eglin are passing 70 years. I have said (and written to these consultants) repeatedly that the plans should be for 100 years. Even the estimable St. Joe Company says 50 years is just the beginning.

in reference to:

"Officials differ on airport rock impact"
- Officials differ on airport rock impact | rock, airport, west - News - The News Herald (view on Google Sidewiki)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

St. Joe Contributes Again

St. Joe makes another contribution - an unforgettable name for east West Bay.

in reference to:

"St. Joe names commercial property at new airport"
- St. Joe names commercial property at new airport | property, airport, commercial - News - The News Herald (view on Google Sidewiki)

"We've got a Mess Here"

Just archiving the latest fiasco - off-spec materials.

in reference to:

"'We've got a mess here'"
- Airport board learns of new problems | problems, airport, west - News - The News Herald (view on Google Sidewiki)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

SW Effect has to be HUGE to Orlando and Houston

I'm trying to bite my tongue about Southwest, but I truly don't understand how they break even to/from Orlando and Houston (I think they will do OK with Nashville and Baltimore because of substantial "beyond" connections). Today, Delta (the only airline in town) carries an average of FIVE passengers to Houston daily through Atlanta, and EIGHT daily to Orlando through Atlanta. On May 23, SW will offer 278 seats to each city daily. Where do the extra 270 per day - 100,000 per year! - come from?

in reference to:

"I'm trying to bite my tongue about Southwest, but I truly don't understand how they break even to/from Orlando and Houston (I think they will do OK with Nashville and Baltimore because of substantial "beyond" connections). Today, Delta (the only airline in town) carries an average of FIVE passengers to Houston daily through Atlanta, and EIGHT daily to Orlando through Atlanta. On May 23, SW will offer 278 seats to each city daily. Where do the extra 270 per day - 100,000 per year! - come from?"
- Airport shifts from dream to reality - CAZ - The News Herald (view on Google Sidewiki)

St Joe and New Targets

Another puff piece - notice the "target industries" keep changing?

in reference to:

"St. Joe Company Invested in Success of New Airport"
- St. Joe Company Invested in Success of New Airport — The New ECP (view on Google Sidewiki)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

ECP channels "Acopolypse Now"

As Mark Twain said, "never argue with a man who buys ink by the barrel", but I'll never learn I guess. I am archiving these articles at ; in a year or so we'll get back together to review the outcome. As I have said from the beginning, I will be happy to be proven wrong (already wrong once when JOE actually put some money in the pot for Southwest - that's ordinarily against their religion).

Caz, you need to read the DEP Consent Orders keeping in mind that the last thing DEP wants is to impede this project. To incur $2.5Million in fines from this captive agency takes some egregious violations. Just for starters I'll bet you a cold one you can't find a station that recorded 20 inches of rain in April 2009. This was not a failure of methods - there were NO methods in place until DEP was embarrassed into doing PART of their job. Nevertheless, when time got short DEP relaxed the limits to allow draining the quivering ponds. How can they do this? - By inviting a professional engineer to certify the quivering ponds were life-threatening! (I'm not making this up). And of course they found an engineer to certify that for a fee.

It's like "Acopolypse Now":

Col. Kurtz: Are my methods unsound?
Capt. Willard: I don't see any methods, sir.

in reference to: Airport shifts from dream to reality - CAZ - The News Herald (view on Google Sidewiki)

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Crisis in Confidence?

This story on the business potential of ECP is pretty downbeat. JOE says "more investments!".

An investment should have a return similar to the interest on its debt. ECP borrows at about 4.6 percent, so how much should it "earn" on its $400 Million invested to date? If it earns nothing, the imputed debt will double in 14 years and re-double every 14 years after that.

The power of compound interest means that a mis-allocated large public "investment" becomes a huge millstone hanging on the economy if it does not perform FROM THE BEGINNING.

These political 'investments" are never audited to see if they perform; instead, they are absorbed as "baseline" and more and more resources poured in.

Just some musings on this story to mark it for a reality check in the future.

in reference to:

"But development takes time, officials say"
- Biz conference: New airport to spur future job growth | ecp, fla - News - The News Herald (view on Google Sidewiki)