Monday, November 23, 2009

Air Cargo

In Response to Air cargo:
I did some internet research yesterday on air cargo, widely touted as the goal of the 10,000 ft runway. We get back to what has been a major problem in creating economic progress in Bay County, and that is-- it takes an hour to get to the interestate--and that's way too long for many businesses/industries. It's a lasting problem that many believe was created by Dempsey Barron, when the I-10 route was planned, who preferred to give this important access to Marianna, where he had is farm / ranch business.
Posted by asterisque

First Dempsey Barron - I always get a charge out of "Dempsey Barron as Revered Leader". My daddy alleged that he delivered sugar to Dempsey's daddy's still in Bay Harbor - guess who was tending the fire. My own experience was it took him 40 years to 4-lane US 231 in Florida.

AIr Cargo - Today, air cargo is synonomous with Fedex and UPS. I have heard boosters say Fedex has plans to use NWFBIA; I have no idea if this is possible, but after the SW deal who knows anything (see my sig). An interesting exercise might be "clustering" the insourced foreign auto plants to see if there is a logical location for importing their high-value parts. Offhand I would guess Atlanta or perhaps Huntsville if they want a quieter airport.

There was a great enthusiasm for "intermodal cargo" back in the '70's when wide-body air freighters came out. Much academic work was done (including the infamous "Aerotropolis"), but one problem proved insurmountable: the weight of containers strong enough for sea-rail-truck was just not economic for air cargo. So sea-rail, sea-truck, and rail-truck intermodal cargo prospered and air cargo remained a niche for high-value and time-sensitive goods. The only sizeable intermodal market for air service is air-cruiseship, where the "payload" is self-contained. There is another story about the rise of package service vs. postal service, but it will wait for another day.
"No evidence of __" is not the same as "Evidence of no ___" -The Black Swan

My other blogs : (BayBlogger - My Sidewiki Posts) (ECoastLife - NW FL Opinion) (BayBlog - NW FL in WordPress)

in reference to:

"In Response to Air cargo:I did some internet research yesterday on air cargo, widely touted as the goal of the 10,000 ft runway.   <snip />   We get back to what has been a major problem in creating economic progress in Bay County, and that is-- it takes an hour to get to  the interestate--and that's way too long for many businesses/industries.  It's a lasting problem that many believe was created by Dempsey Barron, when the I-10 route was planned, who preferred to give this important access to Marianna, where he had is farm / ranch business.Posted by asterisqueFirst Dempsey Barron - I always get a charge out of "Dempsey Barron as Revered Leader".  My daddy alleged that he delivered sugar to Dempsey's daddy's still in Bay Harbor - guess who was tending the fire.  My own experience was it took him 40 years to 4-lane US 231 in Florida.AIr Cargo -  Today, air cargo is synonomous with Fedex and UPS.  I have heard boosters say Fedex has plans to use NWFBIA; I have no idea if this is possible, but after the SW deal who knows anything (see my sig).  An interesting exercise might be "clustering" the insourced foreign auto plants to see if there is a logical location for importing their high-value parts.  Offhand I would guess Atlanta or perhaps Huntsville if they want a quieter airport. There was a great enthusiasm for "intermodal cargo" back in the '70's when wide-body air freighters came out.  Much academic work was done (including the infamous "Aerotropolis"), but one problem proved insurmountable:  the weight of containers strong enough for sea-rail-truck was just not economic for air cargo.   So sea-rail, sea-truck, and rail-truck intermodal cargo prospered and air cargo remained a niche for high-value and time-sensitive goods.  The only sizeable intermodal market for air service is air-cruiseship, where the "payload" is self-contained. There is another story about the rise of package service vs. postal service, but it will wait for another day. "No evidence of __" is not the same as "Evidence of no ___"  -The Black SwanMy other blogs :            (BayBlogger - My Sidewiki Posts)                      (ECoastLife - NW FL Opinion)  (BayBlog - NW FL in WordPress)"
- The News Herald (view on Google Sidewiki)

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