Monday, November 9, 2009

Californians Comment on Krugman

I am pasting this in from comments because its pretty close to my take and comments are "closed". thanks, Sidewiki.

When was the last time anyone in power questioned the massive outsourcing of US jobs and the heavy toll it is taking on the population? Oh, I remember! Obama, during his campaign, wanted to repeal NAFTA. But once it became apparent that he was going to be the winner he joined GWB and Paulson for massively stimulating Wall street at our expense and leaving us with nothing but prayers for trickle-down crumbs.

The truth is that when it comes to either political party, priorities are quite clear. The leadership of both parties exploits its base to the point of no return at any expense. The difference is that the GOP effectively manipulates right winger public emotions and anger to keep them loyal. Democrats, on the other hand, distract you and then steal your lunch.

in reference to:

"When was the last time anyone in power questioned the massive outsourcing of US jobs and the heavy toll it is taking on the population? Oh, I remember! Obama, during his campaign, wanted to repeal NAFTA. But once it became apparent that he was going to be the winner he joined GWB and Paulson for massively stimulating Wall street at our expense and leaving us with nothing but prayers for trickle-down crumbs.The truth is that when it comes to either political party, priorities are quite clear. The leadership of both parties exploits its base to the point of no return at any expense. The difference is that the GOP effectively manipulates right winger public emotions and anger to keep them loyal. Democrats, on the other hand, distract you and then steal your lunch."
- Paranoia Strikes Deep - Readers' Comments - (view on Google Sidewiki)

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