Tuesday, December 22, 2009

State of the Art Problem

The "retention ponds" are an emergency measure they never had in their plan, but now that they are necessary, the airport board takes credit as if they planned to use them all along. The plan was to just rim the site with little silt fences and GET AWAY WITH ANY VIOLATIONS. This proved to be "optimistic" in the face of 1,300 acre-feet of rain. The pictures in April rendered that plan "inoperative" as Tricky Dick Nixon would say, so now they maintain ponds, pump when they can, and scratch their heads about how to drain them and go on the designed drains which have about a 50/50 chance of working AFTER THE SITE IS GRASSED. I honestly don't know how they get to May opening with grass, a dry sand filter (this is the vaunted "state of the art" feature, sorta like a swimming pool filter - it is now flooded with turbid water), and a drainage system. They probably don't care - the ribbon-cutting will distract the public and the NH long enough to just puke the mud in one big release, pay the fine and settle down to regular but diminishing fines as the grass grows and the rain falls and the creeks become ditches like they have made of Kelly Branch and Morrell Branch. These guys literally don't know a creek when they see one.

in reference to: More stormwater fines levied against airport | west, airport, bay - News - The News Herald (view on Google Sidewiki)

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