Monday, December 28, 2009

Storm Drains

There is an underdrain system, except for the crosswind runway that was not built and is now several lakes.
Because of the flooding, DEP made them plug the outfalls and pump the storm water after treatment, but they never catch up between rains. The big "SOTA" sand filter is also flooded with muddy water after months of trying to keep it dry and then dumping the excess water over Thanksgiving weekend. As I said before, I expect them to blow out the mud and try to connect the drains near opening day when the ribbon cutting has the News Herald giddy.
Then the pipes will flush to the tune of a few more fines, and we'll see if it works. All bets off if they don't get some grass growing. 3 inches of rain = 300 acre-feet of water, more than these little branches they have ditched out can handle.

in reference to: Top 10 of '09: Controversial airport moves ahead on schedule | schedule, airport, top - The News Herald (view on Google Sidewiki)

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